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November 13, 2018

Good evening Mr. Mayor and Good evening council members.


My name is Vic Markarian, i'm against rent control and also against rent freeze. I've been working for over 4 years and 7 days a week until now I work 7 days a week. I put all my money, savings and my retirement in my property and I've been extremely fair with the tenants and what I see happening is that you guys want to cut my income and suck out of my equity. People are here right now they gonna lose millions of dollars in their equity in one night over night. This is worse than the great depression, this is worse than the 1994 earthquake, this is worse than 2008 because all of them are reversible except this is not reversible once it pass its gone. What will happen if we put a cap on your income? or the tenants income? why you guys put a cap on our income? I send you facts, tenants, Ms. Devine she ask report from the tenants from the city we saw all these things which is great work but how come you guys didn't get fact report from tenants from landlords sampling them, why you guys don't sample? People see what the facts are. Which I emailed you what my rents are, one of my building is about $600 below market every month for each tenant. You guys have to be fair with landlords. I want to tell you about the majority of the people voted against this in proposition 10 twice you guys couldn't put it on the ballot lets work on it on a different way the solution is not rent control or rent freeze. The guy by the name Mike he came and spoken October 23rd he said he is not against mom and pop he is against developers, you guys are giving free pass to developers anything after 1995 they have no rent control. You are punishing mom and pop why is that? I wanna know? I came here since 1979 I have 3 kids born in Glendale these developers they never lived in here. Why don't guys put something for them to do for affordable housing we can use the S measure. I saw common problem most of the tenant what we saw the problem they have is new owners lets focus on that. What's happening let's tell the buyers you got certain amount you cannot increase the rent or something but not making rent control there. This is the common problem is new owners coming in or some owners they increase rent 2-3 times that's not fair a year to a tenant I understand that I have been a tenant before. Rent control is not the solution, and the way you guys been voted in its gonna be voted out. I'd be honest with you guys I voted a lot of you guys in here and you guys have to be fair with us too this is not the right thing to do.


And I want to finish lastly, at the election time when it comes. I will remember when it's 1 year or 4 years from now and all of us is going to remember that too. We respectfully ask again just like the last time for rent control and rent freeze just put it on the side just focus on the isolated cases that the tenant has, thank you very much sir.


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